Nomi Health FAQs

Direct Network FAQs: Patient

What types of services are available through Nomi Health Direct Network?

  • Lab work
  • Surgery (General, Orthopedic, GYN, Cardiology, ENT, etc.)
  • Imaging (X-rays, MRI, CT, PET, ECG, Mammograms)
  • Gastroenterology (colonoscopy, endoscopy)
  • Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Nationwide Virtual, Mobile Services
  • Many more!

What providers do I have access to?

To locate participating providers for your specific need, call one of our dedicated Care Guides at 855-601-1900 or email us at

How does it work?

  1. Find a provider -
  2. Get scheduled
  3. Receive care

How much will it cost when using Nomi Health?

  • Enrolled in a PPO, EPO, or HMO Plan? You will have no out-of-pocket costs for your bundled procedure.
  • Enrolled in a HDHP HSA? You will pay 100% of the pre-negotiated, transparent rate for services through our program until you have satisfied the yearly IRS minimum. Once your yearly minimum has been satisfied, you will have no out-of-pocket costs for services. *

When is the best time to use my Nomi Health benefit?

Stop and think… is your procedure: Elective? Scheduled? Routine? Planned? Contact our Care Guide Team, your procedure could be no cost to you! *

How does this work with my deductible?

If you are enrolled in an HDHP with an HSA and pay for services through Nomi Health, this will be reported downstream and apply to your medical insurance in-network deductible!

Does Nomi Health replace my major medical plan?

No. This is an optional benefit in addition to your major medical coverage. We work alongside your existing health insurance plan to offer some of the same services with better savings.

Can I set up my own appointment directly with a contracted facility?

No, you must contact a Care Guide to initiate the scheduling process and obtain a voucher.

Do I need doctor’s orders?

For most referrals, including all Physical Therapy, orders are required. If you have questions specific to your need, please reach out to our dedicated Care Guides.

How is Nomi Health Direct Network different than a traditional insurance network?

Nomi Health contracts with Providers for a pre-negotiated, transparent price for medical treatments. We tell you the price for medical treatments upfront, taking the guessing and uncertainty out of the equation— allowing you to take control of your healthcare and costs!

Who is eligible for the program?

Any individuals enrolled in the major medical health plan will immediately have access to the Nomi Health benefit.

I received a bill for my appointment, but I had a voucher.

Contact our Billing Team 855-601-1900, opt. 2. We will ensure it is resolved with the contracted facility.

*The IRS requires a federal minimum deductible for members enrolled in a QHDHP/HSA plan. With these plan types, Employers cannot provide first-dollar coverage prior to the member meeting their federal minimum deductible. Therefore, you must satisfy the yearly minimum before accessing the benefit at no cost. IRS Minimums for 2024 are $1,600 individual/$3,200 family.

Direct Network FAQs: Business

How can this help me cut costs?

Through direct physician and employer relationships, we provide bundled services with transparent pricing – saving you time and money.

How does this help me address gaps in care?

By minimizing the financial burden with the Cost Containment Network, you can remove the barrier of being able to afford the care your members need.

How does this improve outcomes?

Our direct contracting solution removes the patient-to-physician payment confusion. Now, both parties can focus on the quality care without either having to worry the hassle of navigating the unclear divvying of expenses with third parties.